We manage your sales for a fraction of the cost of hiring.
Want to know more?
We are a sales outsourcing service that represents your business by managing all your sales processes and requirements. Sales experts that deliver sales results for your business growth!
We work on getting in touch with qualified leads with a focus on B2B. Delivering your business potential clients and supporting through to the final signup
Customer Data Platform Maximize customer relationship and loyalty program with cutting-edge CRM Software. Streamline data, personalize experiences and skyrocket your business growth
Business Transformation Nexum Global, based in Bangkok, offers business consulting, logistics, IT security, and growth strategies for clients in Singapore, Vietnam, and Canada.
Global Collaboration Teams Collaboration Teams are the most Powerful Inventions in B2B Business. What is stopping collaboration teams from working is TRUST - or rather - the lack of trust. You meet thousands of people,
Hiring new sales member always involve an element of surprise, investments without return, cost of training, unsustainable contractual ties? With our SOS team all this will be nothing more than an unpleasant memory. Leverage on your SOS direct sales team!
Are you looking for salespeople for your company but you didn't find a fit?
SOS is a team of sales experts with decades of experience who actively seek out customers every day.
The sales team you have always wanted for a monthly fee.